The reference librarian serves as a member of the Law Library's reference team which provides in-person and virtual research and reference services to Loyola faculty, students, and alumni.
The reference department also develops programs and services to meet the needs of the Law School's academic programs in collaboration with other library departments.
Reference librarians serve as adjunct faculty and participate in the department's robust teaching program.
Location: Loyola Law School sits astride Los Angeles' legal, financial, and entertainment epicenters on the award-winning Frank Gehry-designed campus in downtown Los Angeles.
Loyola Law School is home to prominent faculty, dedicated students, and cutting-edge programs.
P osition R e s p o n si b i l ities :
Provides in-depth research and reference service to LMU Loyola's full-time faculty members and additional part-time faculty.
Provides in-person and virtual reference service to Loyola students, staff, and alumni.
Some evening hours are required.
Teaches two sections of the 1L research course and participates in curriculum development.
Provides guest lectures in Law School courses including in the LLM and MLS programs.
Prepares and updates research guides, webpages, and other instructional materials.
Provides support to the Law School's law reviews, clinics, and moot courts.
Serves as liaison to Law School Departments.
Participates in collection development and selection activities.
Develops and participates in student outreach activities, in collaboration with other library departments.
Participates on Library and Law School committees as requested.
Participates in professional and continuing education activities of local and national professional associations.
Pursues opportunities for professional growth and education to maintain a high degree of expertise in legal and law-related information sources, information technology, and instructional methods
Teaches advanced research courses as needed.
Contributes individual talents and interests to an area of concentration or to projects that vary according to library needs.
Performs other duties as assigned.
Loyola Ma r y m o un t U n ive r sity Ex p ec ta t io n s :
E x hib i t beh a vior that suppo r ts t he m i ss i on, vis i on, a nd v a lues of the univ e rsit y .
Com m unic a te a nd e mp l oy in t e rp e rson a l a c t i ons th a t m od e l h i g h st a nd a rds of pro fe ss i on a l, r e spons i ble, acc ountabl e , a nd e th i ca l condu c t.
D e monstr a te a c om m i t ment to ou t standing c usto m e r s e rvi ce .
R e qu is i te Q u al if ica t io n s :
degree from an ABA-accredited school and M.
S degree (or equivalent) from an ALA-accredited school.
Knowledge of legal bibliography and legal research methodology.
Experience working in a law library or in legal practice setting is preferred.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and a demonstrated ability to effectively teach and present.
Experience teaching or training in an academic or legal setting is preferred but not required.
Strong teamwork orientation and the ability to work collaboratively.
Evidence of self-motivation and initiative.
Ability to be innovative, flexible, and adaptable.
Strong organizational and planning skills with the ability to multi-task and prioritize.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Strong service orientation and the ability to work with a variety of library users in a friendly, courteous, and professional manner.
Demonstrated knowledge of legal reference sources and practices, online searching strategies and systems, and fundamentals of collection development.
Demonstrated technological competency and a willingness to learn new technology as needed.
Reasonable Expected Annual Salary Starting at $90,000.
Salary offer commensurate with education and experience.
Staff Regular
Salary range
00 - $103,314.
00 Salary commensurate with education and experience.
Loyola Marymount University, a Carnegie classified R2 institution in the mainstream of American Catholic higher education, seeks outstanding applicants who value its mission and share its commitment to inclusive excellence, the education of the whole person, and the building of a just society.
LMU is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment as defined by federal, state and local law.
We invite all persons in the full diversity of their being, life experience, and beliefs to apply.
(Visit www.
edu for more information.