Therapist in Private Practice:
Robert Teister MFT, 30+ Years Private Practice.
Direct Line Call: (206) 809 0226 Licensed Therapist: Psychotherapy, Archetypal Psychology, Depth Psychology, Gestalt and Family Systems.
Life coaching, Mentoring.
Treating: Midlife Crisis, Grief Work, Anxiety, Depression, Incest/molestation, PTSD, Masculine Psychology, Addictions, Identity, Sexual problems, Child/Teen, Separation/Divorce, Hospice Work.
Student of Comparative Religion including the Eastern Philosophies of India: Meditation Teacher 26 years, Spiritual Development, Advanced levels of realization.
30+ years in private practice.
Expert in Masculine Psychology.
Free 15" phone cosultation.
View ten free video talks by Robert on clinical psychology here: https://www.